Online Psychotherapy for New Parents

If the blend of candid reflection and practical action we’ve discussed here resonates with you, don’t hesitate to contact us.

Phronetic Psychotherapy LCSW PC | New York, NY 10010

We accept most major insurances including Aetna, Cigna, United Healthcare, Oxford, Oscar Health and Empire Blue Cross Blue Shield, as long as you are a New York resident.


It's not much better for new fathers. You have your own challenges. You believe you’re doing enough, but she doesn’t see it that way no matter how many diapers you change or books you read. If you’re like many in America, you have no paternity leave; a few days of PTO at most and you’re back to work. You wonder if you’re ready after all, and the weight of it all leaves you doubtful.

You are a new mother. You are told, paradoxically, that you should devote yourself fully to your new baby (or you’re a bad mom) while simultaneously tending to your home, your partner, and of course, your job (or you’re a failure). Meanwhile your body has changed dramatically, you’re fighting with your partner over who does what for the baby, you’re tired as hell, and, though you love your baby, parenthood so far seems like a raw deal.

If the blend of candid reflection and practical action we’ve discussed here resonates with you, don’t hesitate to contact us.

Some on our staff are parents, and we know: raising kids in America today is a hell usually endured alone. We’re told to do it all and given little support, if any. Our work with new parents is frank about these circumstances, and is informed by our own hard-won experience.

From that experience, we’ve derived tools and perspectives to help you navigate PPD, the conflicts that arise between new parents, the mixed-emotions about parenting which always emerge, how to handle in-laws and others—and the list goes on. The end result is that we can honestly assure you it gets better.

If the blend of candid reflection and practical action we’ve discussed here resonates with you, don’t hesitate to contact us.

We encourage you to learn more about how we work using the link below.

Contact Us

Where to start? Which insurances do we take? You can find answers here.

Meet Our Team

We know that finding a “good fit” is the foundation for good therapy. Learn more about our team here.

Book a free 15-minute phone consultation.

We look forward to hearing from you! Before we start, our intake specialist conducts a 15-minute phone consultation to verify your insurance status, and matches you with a therapist who meets your needs.

We respond to all messages within 48 business hours.

If this is an emergency, call 911 or 1-888-NYC-WELL to speak to a crisis counselor.

Email Us

For insurance verifications, we encourage you to send us an email here. For all other inquiries, we respond within 48 business hours.